Regras e submissão

Importante: Lembramos que, para validar a apresentação do trabalho (pôster e oral) e a publicação do trabalho nos Anais do Congresso, é necessário que o autor designado apresentador no momento da submissão do resumo, esteja regularmente inscrito no evento até o dia 12 de setembro. (adesão paga e confirmada ou gratuidade, se aplicável).


  • The deadline for abstracts’ submission is july 31th, 2024.
  • – Results will be released September 4th, 2024
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English;
  • Only abstracts that contain original data will be accepted;
  • Abstracts containing data that have been presented or will be presented at a different scientific meeting can be submitted. This information must be provided in the submission form.
  • Abstracts submitted for publication still pending acceptance by the time of the submission process can be submitted without restrictions.
  • It is necessary that one of the authors submitting an abstract be registered in the event. Payment is not required at the moment of submitting. This can be done after the acceptance of your abstract. 
  • By submitting the abstract, the authors assume compliance with the laws and ethical norms governing research with human beings and animals, including the approval by the ethics committees in research and clinical ethics in animal research.
  • The abstract must be submitted exclusively through the Congress website;
  • Before submitting the abstract, review it carefully. Changes will not be allowed after abstracts’ submission deadline;
  • All communications relating to the abstract will be sent only via email to the author responsible for the submission;
  • Evaluations’ results will be sent via e-mail to the author responsible for the submission;
  • The author responsible for the abstract’s submission, after obtaining its approval, needs to pay the registration fee within 7 days from acceptance letter.
  • There will be no refund of the registration fee in cases of withdrawal of the abstract or absence in Congress;
  • The presentation should be made by one of the authors responsible for submitting the abstract. 
  • The final decision of the Evaluation Committee is considered supreme, irrevocable and unappealing, and will not be revised. Abstracts that are not accepted for oral presentation can be presented via poster and the authors will be informed of this decision.
  • The certificate for the abstract presented will be issued. The certificate will be issued following the registered order of authors and sent to the authors;
  • At least one of the authors must be enrolled, attend the event and present the abstract in order to receive the certificate;
  • Please note: All materials produced from the submitted abstract (annals, certificates, among others) will be a faithful reproduction of the information submitted by the author. Therefore, it is not possible to make changes in the spelling of the title, abstract or authors after the abstracts’ submission deadline. The information provided is the sole responsibility of the author who submit it.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Autoinflammatory and Rare Diseases
  • Bioethics, Education and Information Management
  • Clinical Laboratory Techniques
  • Complementary and alternative Therapies
  • Crystal-related and metabolic Arthropathies
  • Epidemiology, Public health, Economics
  • Fibromyalgia and pain syndromes
  • Imaging in Rheumatology
  • Infections and rheumatic diseases
  • Muscular Diseases
  • Orthopedics, Soft-tissue rheumatisms, Low back pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Diseases
  • Pediatrics
  • Procedures in Rheumatology
  • Rehabilitation
  • Rheumatic manifestations related to systemic diseases
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Sjögren’s Syndrome
  • Spondyloarthritis
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Systemic Scleroderma
  • Vasculitis
  • Health Technology and Digital Health 
  • The deadline for abstracts’ submission is july 31th, 2024.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English, in a PDF file;
  • The title should be concise, reflect the study to be presented and be typed in the appropriated field of the submission form as well as in the attached file;
  • There is no limit of authors per paper;
  • The presenter must also be on the authors list;
  • The abstract´s body text should not exceed 400 words (excluding the title, authors list and affiliations), and the title should not exceed 250 characters including spaces;
  • The abstract of original research must be presented in the following sequence: background/methods/results/conclusion; This suggestion does not apply to case reports/clinical trials;  SBR2024-Abstract-Template
  • The abstracts of case reports must be presented in the following sequence: background/case report/conclusion. Bibliographical references should not be included in case reports. Whereas case reports contribute to the exchange of experience among professionals, the Evaluation Committee recommends to be submitted only reports of atypical features of common cases or of extraordinarily rare conditions, considering their clinical relevance;
  • The contents of the abstracts should be related to the topic chosen;
  • Tables and figures will be accepted:
    Tables: tables must be numbered (e.g. Table 1) with a short descriptive title. The tables MUST be quoted/mentioned in the text. The words in the table will be counted as part of the 400 allowed for the abstract.
    Figures: Figures and illustrations must be numbered (e.g. Figure 1) with a short descriptive title. The figures MUST be quoted/mentioned in the text. You need permission to use identifiable pictures, even when eyes are covered. In cases where images are entirely unidentifiable and there are no details on individuals reported within the manuscript, consent for publication of pictures may not be required. If needed, a permission form is available for download below.
    imagen permission form
    Formulário autorização de imagem
    Formulario autorização de imagen
  • Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures (or tables) that have previously been published elsewhere. In order for all figures to be open access, authors must have permission from the rights holder if they wish to include images that have been published elsewhere in non-open access journals. Permission should be indicated in the figure legend, and the original source included in the reference list.
  • Results based on statements such as “results will be displayed” and/or “data will be parsed” will not be considered. They should be exposed as clearly as possible and the conclusions should be based on the data presented;
  • Case reports without clear originality and/or relevance justifying their presentation will not be accepted. Studies that present only a literature review, except systematic literature reviews, will also be refused;
  • Trade names are not allowed, only generic names of drugs, written in lowercase letters.
  • References, acknowledgements and financial assistance are not mandatory and if included, must be computed as part of the abstract and should come in the end, but no identifiable information should be included as previously stated.